Google Takes on Elon Musk's Twitter with Google Explore

With Elon Musk taking up Twitter and making largescale changes to the app a lot of people are looking at alternatives and there are a lot of...

Future Predictions Cricket 2023 & 2024

It is now clear T20 World cup cricket win of 2022 for England and the 2021 T20 World Cup win from Australia confirms certain trends and patt...

SEO 2023 - Artificial Intelligence, Information Similarity & Information Gain

This piece is think piece and aimed at not being seo optimized otherwise I would need to add headings saying SEO 2023 and give it a structur...

Technology Predictions 2023 & Beyond

Seeing the trends rise we are headed to rapid changes in technology 1. Rise of Subscription Business- Twitter is headed to subscriptions bus...
