Visa Survey: E commerce in India

If you had any doubts that Ecommerce in India has grown beyond travel this survey by VISA should open your eyes . According to VISA's s...

If you had any doubts that Ecommerce in India has grown beyond travel this survey by VISA should open your eyes .
According to VISA's survey the maximum spend in India on Ecommerce is on Airlines/Travel tickets which on the average is 700 dollars.Other key results of the survey were:
  1. The top three reasons for shopping online, cited by a majority of Indian respondents are ‘the freedom to shop anytime’ (75 percent), ‘the ability to compare prices and save money’ (74 percent) and ‘save time’ (74 percent).
  2. The survey also found that Indian respondents spent an average of US$2,086 in the second quarter of 2009. 
  3. The most popular online purchase items in the past 12 months were music downloads (50 percent), airline/airline tickets (49 percent) and travel information (without booking functions; 49 percent).
The sample size is however very minuscule to really pass a judgment on these results this survey only had 2294 respondents across 6 countries.


Visa survey 8115729626770276750

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1 comment

southerntravels said...

Thanks for share information about online spending.
I glad to see its data show online business grown in India.
