What Experience Teaches About Marketing, Experts & Life
True for Google, Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Twitter, Uber, Amazon, Youtube, Pinterest, Snap This is true if you want to be a creator or a ...
True for Google, Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Twitter, Uber, Amazon, Youtube, Pinterest, Snap
This is true if you want to be a creator or a publisher and want to generate organic traffic using any platform
Across Any Platform:
Optimize For Algorithm: In the Short Term You will always get success but when the algorithm changes you are brought down and will have to start all over again Churn and Burn always happen here.
Example: Facebook and the infamous Pivot to Video
Optimize For Users & Algorithm: Balance Between two is what works on a steadier rate in the medium term but you are still prone to a hard knock life from the algorithm
Gurus & Experts: Becoming One is an excellent way to make money but most of them are just fooled by randomness and you don't really learn anything from them unless you are starting out and need to learn the basics.
Example: Across SEOs there are a bunch of gurus who are proven wrong on every update same is true for every field but they make good money Because they come up with a theory that can explain the recent update
Always needs the small guys (creators and publishers) at the start to build themselves but once they become big they always prefer to align with the big guys
In Life Ideally
Try to Make a platform: Very hard but they are always going to be the biggest
Try to Build an Algorithm: Very hard but then you control things otherwise whoever owns the algorithm that controls your fate
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