Marketing or Sales where to focus

Rhonda abrams in her article in enquirer raises an important questions the difference between Marketeers and sales people and illustrates th...

Online Marketing Defined

Marketing that uses the internet is online marketing and can be classified into search engine marketing, display advertising, e-mail marke...

Digg Fires Google Hires Microsoft

Google is facing the heat in its advertising market. Digg the user powered websites where people post their news and others vote on it so t...

Google Yahoo Eyeing Rediff for takeover

Hindustan times reports that Rediff which is India's largest homegrown portal and ranked 5th overall in India by Alexa is seeing specul...

Indian IT where's the money

Behind all the hype and hoopla it is quite evident now India's offshoring giants are struggling in competing against MNC's for good ...

Rumoured 6th Generation ipod is here has provided a video about next gen ipod and it was asked to be taken off by apple immediately however video has reached yout...

Basic Mistakes people do in a powerpoint Presentation

Here is a video on how not to use Powerpoint by comedian Don Mcmillan most of these points he talks about are the basic mistakes people make...

Experiential Marketing Some Examples

Marketeers are never short of new buzzwords and one of the twists that come out in recent times is experiential marketing.Experiential Marke...

Dove and Yahoo Answers Viral campaign using Social Media

As i was mentioning in my last post about new age marketing here is an example of it by HUL and Yahoo for the brand Dove.Well HUL formerly H...

The New Age Marketing on the Net ( are you in yet)

Cheaper low cost marketing tools, wider reach as well as a direct connection with the consumers Internet and web2.0  are enabling all this f...

Rediff takes on Orkut and Youtube

Rediff India's 5th ranked site according to alexa has launched a new sharing and social networking  platform called iShare where we can ...

Programmers versus Marketeers

Marketeers have been cursed for a long time by programmers now  Seth Godin the marketing guru wants to have a word with programmers He has ...

More iPhone reviews Complaints start coming in

So the much hyped iphone is not so great after all complaints have started coming in now as the novelty has started to wear off in fact dema...

iPhone Successfully Cracked

Jon Lech Johansen also known as DVD Jon has successfully become the first person to have cracked the apple iphone however it does not has t...

Stay Hungry Stay Foolish (Insights from Steve Jobs Life)

Stay Hungry Stay Foolish this is the message from Steve jobs.Probably one of the most inspiring people of our time Steve Jobs is the man who...

Marketing using Social networks

Like it or Hate it you just can't ignore social networks like Orkut because of no of users (Orkut has nearly 96 lakhs or 9.6 million In...
