Twitter India Comscore Statistics An Analysis

As per Comscore, Twitter received just 119,000 Unique Visitors in the month of Feb as per data shared by Ashish . Some Interesting Demograph...

As per Comscore, Twitter received just 119,000 Unique Visitors in the month of Feb as per data shared by Ashish. Some Interesting Demographic Stats available from that data are
  1. Visitors in age group 15-24: 47k
  2. Visitors in age group 25-35 :43k
  3. Visitors in age group 35+ : 18k
  4. Females form 21% of base with 25K female visitors
  5. Males form 79% of base with 94K male visitors
  6. Age group 15-24 is most active amongst males
  7. Age group 25-34 is most active amongst females
Now in terms of what can be interpreted from this data it might seem that twitter's total audience base is very small but this audience is one of the most influential in India and is dominated by bloggers and media journos and lots of early adopters that is why they should not be neglected. Most of the Indian Internet is dominated by males and its the same with twitter using population but again if you are looking at twitter for targetting than you should do so only if you are one of those selling mobiles /laptops or other high tech gadgets, news content sites or other social networks.You can generate a volume of traffic by targetting social network but that volume will not be sticky and social networks almost never generate a high quality transactional audience.
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twitter India statistics 180693914447422897

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1 comment

Sagar Jani said...

Moshin u r in India not in Pakistan..... so stop spreading ur religion
