In an article about the fate of social networking in India mint has collated some interesting stats compiled from comscore and the sites the...

In an article about the fate of social networking in India mint has collated some interesting stats compiled from comscore and the sites themselves which makes for an interesting reading. Mint compiled numbers of Orkut and facebook from comscore while other numbers where directly from the site themselves. None of these sites commented upon their revenues figures but critically you can see that number of active users for most of these sites were nearly half of the number of registered users. Now If you have a good sales team and you have a base of more than 1 miilion users you can definately get some direct ad sales revenue but i am sceptical about these sites profitabilty when even Orkut and facebook themselves are loss making ventures. According to Internet market research firm comScore Inc. India had 34.6 million Internet users (who access the Web from their homes/offices) in June, of which at least 65%, or 22.61 million, accessed social networking sites. These figures have meant that people have kept launching new social sites in India fuelled by the hype but success is still far for them.
India has a vast population which is still getting introduced to Internet Communication and social networking. The pottential of this market is HUGE.
But the fun starts when the figure reaches the critical threshold. Then the market explodes exponentially. There is no stopping it
very nice.. good information.. social networking
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