Buzz Marketing some successful examples

An oft discussed example of buzz marketing in the recent past is that used by Vespa scooters in which an unsuspecting target may notice a gr...

An oft discussed example of buzz marketing in the recent past is that used by Vespa scooters in which an unsuspecting target may notice a group of youth on attractive motorbikes at street side cafes. If one evinces interest in the sleek machines the youth are more than willing to give the details of the dealer who sells the bike. Till this moment, it is almost difficult to guess that this is part of an elaborate buzz campaign and that the youth are paid to flaunt the bikes and generate interest among the audience
The case of Sony Ericcson and its introductory campaign for the T68i cell phone is an outstanding example of a non-intrusive campaign that generated considerable buzz for the product. The company hired actors and actresses to play tourists at popular attractions around USA such as New York's Empire State Building. These paid performers asked passersby to take their picture with the company's new T68i cell phone that offers an add-on digital camera. In doing this apparently harmless favor the unknowing consumer gets a marketing message not from a corporate source, but from a much more powerful endorser: a cool, attractive, enthusiastic stranger.


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