India's Viral Marketing Scene Colgate goes viral
First the facts increasing ad rates and constant bickering with cable channels has meant a greater awareness of Internet as a marketing medi...
First the facts increasing ad rates and constant bickering with cable channels has meant a greater awareness of Internet as a marketing medium in India. Now even with conservative numbers Internet as a medium reach out to nearly 25% of the same audience that Companies target through Cable TV hence the recent fascination with microsites and viral marketing. A few of them have really caught attention but mostly they seem to be done so that companies can claim 360 degree marketing.These days every company comes out with new virals and hope to make them spread through emails and flashing them through TV ads.
Latest in this scene is Colgate which is celebrating Oral Health Month (OHM) which is an intensive month-long oral health awareness campaign that will run through October 2007 to establish and promote the importance of good oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups and is intended to expand the rural market. There Press release claims
Interestingly they added an online element to it by creating a microsite which is aimed at premium market which is literally confusing.
Latest in this scene is Colgate which is celebrating Oral Health Month (OHM) which is an intensive month-long oral health awareness campaign that will run through October 2007 to establish and promote the importance of good oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups and is intended to expand the rural market. There Press release claims
OralHealth Month 2007 has outreach events taking place across 175 cities including free dental check-ups and oral care education in schools and villages. In order to broaden coverage and build awareness, Oral Health Month 2007 has expanded its reach to cover 175 cities and towns across 19 states all over the country touching even 250 rural and remote corners.
Interestingly they added an online element to it by creating a microsite which is aimed at premium market which is literally confusing.
Leveraging the growing Internet space, the new viral campaign seeks to reach younger, urban audiences with a futuristic video that shows a new species –germosaurus – wreaking havoc in 3000 AD.goes on to rewind back to the present with a simple message “Don’t Play God to a New Species – Get a dental check up instead”. Visitors to the site are invited to share names and addresses of friends so that the message of good oral health via the germosaurus can be spread virally.
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