IT Services Marketing Wipro Goes To Second Life
Its interesting to see how IT services companies are marketing themselves in unique ways with Infosys going for corporate Blog marketing , T...
Its interesting to see how IT services companies are marketing themselves in unique ways with Infosys going for corporate Blog marketing,TCS going for Brand Building and HCL going for branding via Internet and TV marketing its now the turn of Wipro which has opted for going to second life to market itself. ET reports how Wipro unveiled an offshore development centre (ODC) model campus with facilities like client engagement centres, learning centre, a three-floor ODC set up with cubicles, security desk at the campus entrance, amphi-theater, media hall, basketball and volleyball courts, office facilities, data centre and a library. It will be regularly staffed by Wipro’s own avatars.
Interestingly Wipro also intends to use it as a recruitment centre and for hosting client virtual conferences. Now this is an interesting move because Second Life is a home of basically gamers and techies and that forms part of Wipro's Target group. All the IT services firm usually target the hardcore techie group and usually aim for technical journals and magazines for advertising but this moves places Wipro directly in the midst of this strategy might help in overseas recruitment and brand building amongst techies .However there are indications that second life recently that Secondlife is an over hyped website which will struggle to gain mainstream acceptance and maybe that's why Wipro has opted for a multiphase strategy .
Interestingly Wipro also intends to use it as a recruitment centre and for hosting client virtual conferences. Now this is an interesting move because Second Life is a home of basically gamers and techies and that forms part of Wipro's Target group. All the IT services firm usually target the hardcore techie group and usually aim for technical journals and magazines for advertising but this moves places Wipro directly in the midst of this strategy might help in overseas recruitment and brand building amongst techies .However there are indications that second life recently that Secondlife is an over hyped website which will struggle to gain mainstream acceptance and maybe that's why Wipro has opted for a multiphase strategy .
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