10 Internet Marketing Posts That You Must Read
There are many facets to online marketing which are useful to different people at different times ranging from The art of increasing traffic...

There are many facets to online marketing which are useful to different people at different times ranging from The art of increasing traffic to your website or blog, Search Engine Optimisation , Understanding Google's Pagerank, Understanding Social Media Marketing, and how to make viral content. In this post I have tried to collect 10 timless links from some of most successful blogs that tries to answer these questions
- How to get traffic for your blog Marketing Guru Seth Godin gives out 56 ways to increase blog traffic
- What Is Google PageRank? A Guide For Searchers & Webmasters The first question is understanding how does Google works. The heart of Google's software is PageRank, a system for ranking web pages Danny Sullivan of Search Engine Land explains in an indepth article.
- Search Engine Ranking Factors If you are not satisfied by the first link and want to understand Google's rankings in even more detail than read this document.This document represents the collective wisdom of 37 leaders in the world of organic search engine optimization. Together, they have voted on the various factors that are estimated to comprise Google's ranking algorithm
- Search Engine Optimization for Blogs - SEO The next question that needs to be answered is doing good Search Engine Optimization. Darren Rowse of ProBlogger is one of the most successful blogs about money making on the net and what he writes about SEO is definitely worth reading
- The Facebook Marketing Bible: 24 Ways to Market Your Brand, Company, Product, or Servicen
In this huge document Inside Facebook elaborates upon various tricks to to do marketing on Facebook. - Social Media Marketing in a Nutshell One of the most phenomenal blogs Dosh Dosh explains the fundamentals of Social Media Marketing
- The 7 Secrets of Viral Content In this post Dailyblogtips tries to analyze 7 secrets of creating successful viral content
- 12 Examples of Viral Content, And What We Can Learn From Them In this posts skellie examine 12 great examples of viral content and analyze why they were successful, and how we can apply those successful principles to our own content.
- Five Free “Advanced” Web Analytics Examples: Look Outside, Think Different. Lastly Analytics a vastly ignored but useful part of internet marketing in this post by Avinash take a look at some of the advanced web analytics
- The Internet Marketing List: 59 Things You Should Be Doing But Probably Aren't Right at the end we take a look at some practical things for developing an internet marketing plan
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