Yahoo India Organizes World Search Championship for its brand campaign
Yahoo India in continuation of its new Search brand campaign has now launched a World Search Championship and is offering lots of gadgets ...

This blog analyzes ideas,strategies,examples,case studies and trends from the fields of Marketing & Technology from India and world
Yahoo India in continuation of its new Search brand campaign has now launched a World Search Championship and is offering lots of gadgets ...
Wario Land: Shake It!, is a game for the Nintendo's Wii console stars Wario, the smelly, bad-mannered alter ego of Mario and seems simil...
As part of their 10 year anniversary Google has indulged in social cause marketing by starting off something called Project 10^100 , a cont...
Max New York Life Insurance has revamped the brand and changed the tagline from “Your Partner for Life” to “Karo Zyaada Ka Iraada” and launc...
Recently I have come across this wonderful collection at Redux which brings together 15 really awesome ads starting from Apple's Classic...
For long Apple has been targeting Microsoft with Mac versus PC ad showing how cool Apple's Mac is compared to a PC running Microsoft...
Close on the heel of Yahoo's international brand marketing campaign we have Yahoo India also launching its own brand campaign for Yahoo...
While Internet in India has been booming it has been focussed too much on the big portals where the mainstream crowd is and others have stru...
On this blog I have covered many viral campaigns but none like this one .Interactive agency Quasar Media in association with a non-governmen...
Yahoo has launched an international brand marketing campaign titled "Start Wearing Purple". According to Yahoo Purple is the colo...
Microsoft Continues with its 300 million dollar ad campaign with this second ad in which Jerry Seinfeld convinces Bill Gates to try and conn...
The rebel Indian Cricket League (ICL) is coming back for a second season with a bigger marketing spend of 40-50 crores and with an greater e...
In times of rising fuel prices and lower occupancy rates what do you do ? logic says you cut your costs but if you are Jet Airways than you ... which is a joint venture of MobileNXT Teleservices and Network18 has been showcasing its site through a series of ad campaign...
Aamir Khan with his Blog has been the pathbreaker in celebrity blogging in India and his success with the blog has convinced him of the eff...
Here is an interesting example of rural marketing in India FMCG major Dabur is unleashing a marketing blitz across the country through beaut...
Slideshare has just declared results for World's Best Presentation Contest 2008 and the winning slides are really good the judges for th...
Microsoft has launched an ad campaign featuring famous comic Jerry Seinfeld and they aim to spend 300 million dollars on this campaign of wh...
EBay India one of the largest e commerce stores in India has launched a price challenge an age old marketing trick wherein they are challeng...