Top 10 most watched viral videos of 2007
Goviral has released a list of top 10 viral ad campaigns on the web.Take a look at all the videos and decide which one you like the most Ca...

This blog analyzes ideas,strategies,examples,case studies and trends from the fields of Marketing & Technology from India and world
Goviral has released a list of top 10 viral ad campaigns on the web.Take a look at all the videos and decide which one you like the most Ca...
India's largest ecommerce site eBay India has spotted some specific online buying trends among Indian audiences. The range of products b...
Self promotion on the net is an art which Kina Grannis seemed to have learnt quite well. Kina Grannis is a contestant for Myspace's ...
Mentos is back and this time it aims to build a community around its brand. In the past it had built a cool marketing minisite Mentos Helpli...
WiMAX It is a telecommunications technology aimed at providing wireless data over long distances. Many companies are closely examining WiMAX...
Orkut might be no.1 on Google's most searched lists but is one of the most insecure social networks around this was proved by the latest...
Viral Marketing is now a part of 360 degree marketing approach of the companies and ICICI prudential has created a new viral to promote its...
Social networking website Orkut is the most sought after site in India, Sania Mirza tops among sport stars, Mahatma Gandhi is the most searc...
IAMAI and IMRB have come out with Internet in India report for 2007 and they have claimed active Internet user (some one who has used Inte...
Retail is India's sunrise industry and Kishore Biyani while writing for Mint gives us an interesting insight into Retail trends to watch...
Mobile Marketing is meant to describe marketing on or with a mobile device, such as a mobile phone. There are three major kinds of marketing...
Mint has an interesting report on how India’s biggest advertiser Hindustan Unilever Ltd (HUL) plans to launch 15 television programmes built...
Stylish, Crisp and Exciting this describes Abhishek Bachchan's new Ad for Arvind Mills Flying machine .In summer 07 Arvind Brands unvei...
Indian IT companies like Infosys and Wipro have missed a trick while they were bagging deals in foreign countries Indian IT market started e...
Finally Brands are getting more conscious about their digital marketing strategy .Fastrack, the eye and wrist gear brand from Titan, is unfo...
Pepsi is preparing a year-long marketing campaign in the United States in which up to a billion digital music tracks will be given away whic...
Down at BS Surinder kapur talks about innovation and Marketing and highlights how Marketing at Maruti has allowed it to grow forward and ill...
One of the best sites around is TED which is a great platform to hear about new ideas and themes from some of the best minds in the world. E...
Three hottest brands of today ShahrukhKhan ,M.S Dhoni and Om Shanti Om all come together as Videocon aims to appeal to the youth with its l...
Astronomical valuations, Hype about anything to do with Web 2.0 is it the making of another bubble like the one that led to 2000 crash well ...
Ahmedabad based software company Ahem! Management Solution plans to provide free internet access via kiosks to users in tier 2 cities in...
Zee launched its rebel Indian Cricket league today with a $4million prize money but what has been interesting is the marketing muscle behind...
Mosh, Ovi , Nokia Music store,Maps the intentions are pretty clear services are the prime agenda for Nokia .However the road ahead is not ...
Apple has recently released a web-only advertisement that has appeared on a number of sites, including , , and PCMag.c...
For the uninitiated Webdunia is one of the pioneers in Hindi language portal in India and has grown to nine language portals, now after be...
A great ad if you are looking for Amir Khan's versatility he really touches perfection in everything he does in this ad he showcases man...
This 80-second clip has been viewed a record-breaking ten million times and has prompted a fierce debate about whether or not it is real.Sit...
Well there have been lot of videos about what is Web2.0 but here is a viral funny video from Nokia about web2.0 .The theme is Web 2.0, let...
This is how Google promotes its products using Youtube they have made a video highlighting demo applications developed on Android .In this ...
Google's decision to launch its new platform for mobile Android has left mobile companies shaken and people debating over what exactly...
After wondering for ages how the social networks will monetize their huge population Facebook and Myspace have finally launched their target...
Despite all the rumours going around Google is not launching a single Gphone but rather an open source platform called Android for phones. G...
This might be off topic but is an incident that cannot be ignored.Dec 2005 Pratibha Murthy HP call centre employee raped and killed by driv...
We all think about creating an ad for our customer but How about an Ad that is built by your customer now that is called think different and...
Where Infosys is can Wipro be far behind well for some time infosys had developed its own world is flat blog and was using it to market its...
The threat of iphone has Indian mobile players worried reports ET and gives an insight into how the battle for the indian mobile market is s...
Yahoo India has gone local with a bang and will not only be providing mail and webmessenger in Hindi but will also will allow People to SMS ...
First the facts increasing ad rates and constant bickering with cable channels has meant a greater awareness of Internet as a marketing medi...
Its interesting to see how IT services companies are marketing themselves in unique ways with Infosys going for corporate Blog marketing , T...
We had been struggling to increase our Internet base and PC penetration but slowly a new realization has happened to all the companies that...
Business Standard features a story about Motorola and how despite India being a Nokia country(Nokia's 2nd largest market) Motorola foug...
Hindu has an interesting interview with Vivek Bhargava, CEO, Communicate2 which calls itself a paid search company. I have seen that there a...
This New age Marketing example is from USA and demonstrate how Nike has increased its sales by tapping into social community marketing init...
CIOL reports that the Government of NCT , Delhi, has notified three hot zones for WiFi Access coverage.“The Delhi government is in the pro...
Today is Blog action day a day when thousands of Bloggers have come together to write about one common cause Environment and this blog is on...
Reebok India has made a second effort to hit its target segment of young Indian consumers online by launching a cricket based website. Duri...
Piitsburgh Based American food major Heinz has been targeting Indian housewives for a long time .It is number 3 in Indian market with a mar...
Even Technology Companies have realized that a great product is not the only basis for success you also need to market it well and Sify Repo...
Economic Times Reports that Reliance Retail has clinched an exclusive marketing and distribution deal with Apple for standalone iStores.Inte...