Case Study:Google adwords versus Facebook advertising
Search Advertising is something that has proven to be very successful especially for lead generation and e-retailers while advertising on So...
Search Advertising is something that has proven to be very successful especially for lead generation and e-retailers while advertising on Social Media is something that is still in its infancy and is still trying to catch its feet.While Advertising on Social Media Sites like Facebook you can go down to targeting users based on their age, location, education and various other demographic feature while when advertising on Search sites like Google you can target based on location and the keyword the users are looking for. Digital Inspiration has done a comparative study between Google adwords and Facebook advertising and found that Facebook can deliver tons of impressions for a small amount of money but the average cost of visitor acquisition (CPC) is higher for Facebook than for Google Adwords. Here is an excerpt
Google Adwords (Ads were shown on Google search and sites that use AdSense)
Facebook Advertising (with a daily advertising budget of $5)
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