Yureekah: Competitive Intelligence for Online Brand Advertisers
Currently in private alpha Yureekah has launched a free competitive intelligence tool that allows media planners to figure out where is com...

The site is limited to 4 countries India,USA,UAE,UK and only for display advertising which is the domain of big brand advertising and doesn't support contextual advertising. Yureekah is targeted at advertisers, media agencies, and small and medium sized business owners. The Monetization of Yureekah is to be done in future with the launch of more in depth services maybe.
Devaraj Southworth, one of the creators of Yureekah said the idea stemmed from his own company's needs. He runs a small creative agency and a media planning firm, and it often took several weeks to put together an online ad strategy because he had to manually go through Web sites, ad networks and portals to figure out where his client should be visible. Being a free service means its definitely a good tool for brand advertisers and with no direct competion gives it a good chance to succeed, hopefully it should improve by the time it is ready for a public release.
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