Nokia is the presenting sponsor of Shah Rukh Khan’s Kolkata Knight Riders IPL team and have realized rather late that if they have developed a contest for developing engagement with online viewers they should also promote it online and have now turned to online marketing on Rediff to increase visitors when the contest date is over. The campaign consisted of an innovative consumer contest titled ‘Millan of the Villains’ and blog with Shahrukh. Through this contest they were asking for people’s help in helping players perform well together.” Aimed at creating platforms for consumers to ‘connect’ with the Kolkata Knight Riders team, the contest invites people to send in their ideas on how they would make the ‘millan’ of Shah Rukh's players possible.The winners were to get the chance to watch the Kolkata Knight Riders match in Eden Gardens, Kolkata on May 16, 2008 from the Nokia Pavilion, with Shah Rukh Khan himself and an opportunity to meet Shah Rukh and his team members at an exclusive Nokia ‘After Game’ Party the same evening. They had launched this campaign by showing an ad on TV with a link to the website at the end but now when at the end of campaign when probably they found number of visitors to be less than the desired target they have resorted to online advertising on Rediff to achieve the target. The site also had a blog with Shahrukh option which only had one post from Shahrukh khan dated April24th. Its just so sad that when Indian brands develops campaigns for online users they really make half hearted efforts just contrast it with Pepsi's Youngistan online campaign and see the difference. Visit the website here and for the moment enjoy this ad below Related Reads: IPL ads and promotions Nokia Transforming into Internet services firm
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