Pepsi Sreesanth Ad
After the successful Dhoni ad Pepsi is out again with Sreesanth Ad and riding high on IPL wave this ad is absolutely similar in concept and...

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This blog analyzes ideas,strategies,examples,case studies and trends from the fields of Marketing & Technology from India and world
With Elon Musk taking up Twitter and making largescale changes to the app a lot of people are looking at alternatives and there are a lot of apps looking to take its place and in the midst of it is go...
This piece is think piece and aimed at not being seo optimized otherwise I would need to add headings saying SEO 2023 and give it a structure which google's algo likes the idea is only if you kn...
After the successful Dhoni ad Pepsi is out again with Sreesanth Ad and riding high on IPL wave this ad is absolutely similar in concept and...
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